1. Focus on approaching quality people with influence, credibility, and a large network. Signing up even one or two of these folks is the fastest way to build your team.
2. Have contests to get everyone on your team to do a little bit more.
3. Talk to people with network marketing experience. They already believe in the industry and have experience.
4. Keep a database of everyone you ever talk to about the products or business and stay in touch at least once a month until they buy or die.
5. Use an auto-responder or CRM program to manage your database of contacts. This lets you automate your follow-up process, which saves a lot of time.
6. Always ask for the sale each time you talk with a prospect. You must learn how to close and lead people to a decision.
7. Be the type of person you want to sponsor and be the type of sponsor you want to have. Be someone worth joining.
8. Never stop working on your skills. The more you improve your skills the more attractive you are as a sponsor.
9. Use third-party tools to share your products and business with others. Remove yourself from the equation.
10. Say less to more people. It's better to spend two minutes with ten different people than 20-minutes with one prospect.
11. Use and teach a simple system that everyone on your team can follow. The system is the solution.
12. Keep things so simple an 8-year-old could do it and do not give your team members information overload. Walk each new team member through a series of baby steps.
13. Give your team-members simple assignments. If they complete it, give them another assignment. If they don't complete it, find someone else to work with.
14. As soon as your new rep signs someone up, you go and work with their new rep. Treat them as if you personally sponsored them.
15. Recognize the behaviors you want more of. Find creative and simple ways to recognize people, even for the smallest of things.
16. Walk each new rep through a standardized getting started training.
17. Instill a sense of urgency in every person that you sponsor, so they decide to take their business seriously.
18. Use three-way calls to teach your new team members and grow your team quicker.
19. Help each person identify their why. Have them write it down, create a vision board, and share it with their spouse.
20. Get each person on your team to commit to auto-ship so they use your company's products. Assuming the products are good, this will help build up their belief in the company and its products.
21. Always work at the deepest point in each leg with the newest, most excited distributor.
22. Work in depth until you no longer have to. You are driving depth until you find leaders who "take it away" from you and continue the process without you.
23. Width is for a show, but depth is for dough. The deeper you drive each leg, the more secure it is.
Building Leaders
24. Get everyone on your team on some type of personal development plan.
25. Have a book of the month for your team.
26. Keep your eyes and ears open for leaders in depth. When you identify someone, reach out to them and act as if you personally sponsored them.
27. Promote events and get people to events. We are an event-driven business
35. Never be jealous of someone in your team who outperforms you. Keep your ego in check and stay humble.
36. Look for the good in everyone. No one is perfect. Focus on each team member's strengths.
37. Build relationships. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
38. Spend most of your time "looking" for leaders and "potential" leaders, and a small percentage of your time developing leaders.
More Product Sales
39. Train your team members on the products whenever you can.
40. Ask for testimonials in each training and share testimonials with your prospects. Your prospect might not believe you, but they will believe a testimonial.
41. Use all of our company's products and be your own best customer.
42. Ask each person on your team to enroll in auto-ship and commit to it for at least one year.
43. Ask everyone you talk to for referrals.
44. Give away free samples from time to time so people can try out the products.
45. Use our company's products in public so people can see you using them.
Very Respectfully,