A woman once said, while i was in courtship with my fiance, one of the day he strictly forwarned me and said,....
"Dear, anyday you permit me to engages in pre-marital sex with you, I will call off this relationship and annulled every possibility of marrying you...... I repeat, any day you allowed me to have sex with you before our wedding night, I will never and ever marry you"
She continues.... Honestly the warning sound like a time bomb 💣 and for that reason I became conscious on how I present myself before him.
....In the church today, and even in our neighborhood sexual sins had become rapid and majority heading into marriage don't see the horror danger involved in fornication.
Even in the church, some assumed it's all about standing before the brethren and enact restitution or confession of their involvement in sexual impurities.
However for this reason, the demon will stir up their confident to endulges in such abominable sexual act because they assumed it will only end in confession, probably confessing to their pastors with 3-6 months suspension.
Bro, if that is your this line 👉
....."your entire human glory lies in your sperm and once you abused the law of sexual purity and engaged in immoral sexual relationship with any woman, either protected or none protected, you are ignorantly destroying your destiny"
The demons don't need to pass through the door of your house before coming in, likewise they don't need you to engages in protected sexual intercourse before connecting a spiritual pipe to the Marine covens or laboratory for further processing of your sperm.
After refining, the godly blessing found in your sperm will be distributed accordingly to various kingdoms of darkness, secret courts and also use in ordaining of fake miracles pastors, football stars and genus dude.
Bro, just look at your life, you can vividly attest that you are completely finished. Nothing is working and all your hope are dashed to pieces.
Your prayer life is buried and spiritual life still laying in grave. You are just an empty image in the church.
You and I know that you are nothing but just an empty space. You are once a preacher and use to pray fervently but suddenly you allowed that marine lady in the church to entrapped you into sexual defilement.
And ever since then, your conscience has not regained it peacefulness. Presently you are as good as dead because you have lost your joy of salvation, business and finances crumpling and you keep asking yourself... "what is happening to me?
Bro, the only way out is to return back to Calvary.
You need to buried your ego, pride and vainglory and secretly drop that pastorship, evangelist and chorister titleship and confessed openly before your brethren because open confession killed self guiltiness and silencing of the demons of accusation.
Yes, you can do it because you casket is just beside you and in any moment you will drop dead and wallowed in anguished torments in hell for next billions and trillions of years.
Kindly, break off from that sexual relationship, and make it known to that lady, that you are never and ever going to marry her because the bed had been defile and the results is curses.
As lady heading into marriage, it's your necessity to understand the sexual mode of any man seeking for your hand in marriage.
If you observes any funny move or sexual attempt of such man toward you, honestly you seriously need to act very fast before you head into shithole.
Men are easily move by sight and also has high sexual hormones urges and if you seriously want the glory or star of such man to remains divine and exalted, you must ensure you fought with your last breath either through fasting & prayers, counseling and spiritual impact.
I mean, once you permit him to engages in premarital sex with you and later marry you, honestly you will surely regret every bit of that marriage because whosoever that breaketh the hedges, the serpent will strike.