USI-TECH is fully Registered and Compliant

Finally, a genuine way to Build Wealth Daily, No Experience Required -

USI-TECH is fully Registered and Compliant, backed by documentation from their legal team in the USA to sell their BTCpacks {product} in all states within the USA and Worldwide

The BTCpacks {product} are used in the day to day operations of their server farms, mining of Crypto-currency and trading activities

By purchasing BTCpacks {product} you earn a Rental Return of around 1% per business day for 140 days, once the BTCpack {product} has earned 140% the pack expires this takes about 140 business days

As Rental Return is paid daily the repurchase of additional BTCpacks is possible to compound daily returns or cash out to an e-wallet

This is the same business model as other MLM companies with the big advantage of being able to earn returns on the product you purchase which are paid daily, by repurchasing additional packs you can compound your earning daily starting a snowball effect the more packs you get, the quicker the number of packs grow

If you tell friends and they decide to join and buy packs, USI-TECH pay 10% on every pack they buy or rebuy that is the same as autoship in traditional MLM with the big advantage that nobody stops rebuying as that would mean not earning extra income so it's a win-win for all.

